I'm That Guy

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A NEW Year!

well it is now 2007 crazy huh. what a quick year that was. seems like just yesterday that we were making plans to get marriesd. Now, we are making plans to have a child. Things move really fast like i always say. And i can only imagine how fast that this year will be. we are already 16 weeks pregnant and almost at the half way mark. it has been a very trying time for E. she has been undergoing alot of pains and not feeling herself. however, i do now see some signs of things getting better. she still sleeps alot which is good because she needs her rest. she is thinking about going back to work in the next week or so. i keep telling her to only do it if she feels that she is ready for it. i think that it would be good for her. not that it will be easy but it might helo her get back into a routine and take her mind off of some things. plus of course the $$$ would not hurt either. my job has actually just had a pretty nice opening and i am thinking about applying for the position. one of my best freinds Ant Dawg is thinking about applying as well. either one of would be a great candidate for the job. we have both out in alot of time and effort into that place. there was even some discussion of maybe even filling the position w/ 2 people. that would just be fantastic if him and i both got the job. If not, May the best man win and no hard feelings. it would be a pretty good jump in pay an dwould really help out now w/ the baby on the way and all. i really do wanna go back to school and my job is willing to pay for it. i really think that i should be taking advantage of that as long as i can. i will start looking into classes asap.
what else?
well baseball has officially started. that is the little league team that i am coaching. we had our first wave of try outs. and it was fun. there were alot of kids that have talent and as well alot of kids that i think with the proper guidance can turn their game up a notch. today was the second wave and i was unable to make it. however, mike sd that it was pretty cold down there today so i did not miss much . i am not sure when we have the draft, but i will be sure that i am on it. ( mike just fill me in man and you know that i am there) so mike is the manager and brian and I are the assistant coaches. i think that with all of our baseball knoweledge and time that we will have a successful and fun filled year. more to come on baseball that is all that i know for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the job. I know you will do great if you get it, wish ant good luck too just not as much :) I do not need to wish you luck in baseball since it is in your bones.

Family Forever

7:16 AM  

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